the new music industry

XM Ads Net Subscriptions

‘ XM made the jump today from satellite radio into your computer with the launch of their XM Radio Online service. New users can pay a monthly fee of $7.99. Continue reading

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Sometimes music marketing just goes to far…

…But then again we’re writing about it. Interactive Urinals Used To Promote CMT Country Outlaws Concert (CelebrityAccess MediaWire) — “Target marketing” has taken on a whole new meaning in the. Continue reading

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Stream Your Home Music & Video Collection To Your Cell?

Associated Press reports that “in a move sure to raise the eyebrows of Hollywood and its partners, a California startup will unveil a service Monday that allows subscribers to remotely. Continue reading

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RIIA And Others Chase P2P’s To Supreme Court

Proving that they have no intention of slowing their efforts to destroy all evil-doers, the MPAA, the RIAA and The National Music Publishers’ Assn. have asked the U.S. Supreme Court. Continue reading

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MUST READ ARTICLE: Internet Creates New And Profitable Niche Marketing Opportunites

“Forget squeezing millions from a few megahits at the top of the charts. The future of entertainment is in the millions of niche markets at the shallow end of the. Continue reading

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Stern Gets Sirius

In an announcement, that some believe is a landmark for all radio, the satellite radio broadcaster Sirius has inked syndicated “shock jock” Howard Stern to a five-year, multi-million-dollar (some say. Continue reading

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TRENDWATCH: Podcasting reports that Podcasting,which combines three of our favorite things: blogging, music, and iPods, “promises to change the way listeners view radio in much the same way that Napster changed. Continue reading

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CELL PHONES: THE FUTURE OF PORTABLE MUSIC (a remade Cnet owned site that shows a great deal of potential) columnist Eliot Van Buskirk has written a good overview and commentary on the future of music via. Continue reading

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Who Says No One Will Pay For Radio? XM Hits 2.5 Million

(CelebrityAccess MediaWire) — XM Satellite Radio finished the third quarter 2004 with more than 2,500,000 subscribers. XM added more than 415,000 net new subscribers in the quarter and is on. Continue reading

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AT&T Wireless Opens Mobile Phone Music Site

The convergence of various technologies and digital devices continues as reports that “AT&T Wireless launched its mMode Music Store today, marking the first time U.S. consumers can discover, sample. Continue reading

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