USA Today’s Kevin Maney has written a column that tries to make the point that rampant piracy does not mean musicians and music are doomed. Maney uses China as the. Continue reading
Umphey’s McGee Offering Fans Free Podcasts
In the first example we’ve seen of a band using podcasts to reach out to their fans, Umphrey’s McGee is offer free twice monthly podcasts of 70-80 minutes of live. Continue reading
Linkin Park rattled the cage noisily this week, with the group attempting to exit its Warner Music contract. The move comes ahead of a big IPO, with the band accusing. Continue reading
Yahoo To Add To Music Strategy With Music Search Engine
Digital Music News reports that "Yahoo is developing a search engine built to find music and music-related information on the net, with the initial rollout to take place within a. Continue reading
Starbucks’ Censors Pull Springsteen
With P2P and other digital distribution models democratizing distribution and internet, satellite. and cell phone broadcasting opening up unlimited channels for music discovery, the importance of gatekeepers (people or brands. Continue reading
NIN’s Trent Reznor Comments On The Death Of CD’s And The Music Industry
Nine Inch Nails Trent Reznor’s shares his candid opinions on the CD as a method of music delivery and the record industry on the band’s web site: "CD’s are dead.. Continue reading
Universal Music Logs $52 Million In Download Sales
Universal Music has announced that it made $52mn from downloads sales in the first quarter of 2005. The world’s biggest record label, with 25 per cent of the global market,. Continue reading
Neilsen And Big Champagne Partner On Combined Radio/P2P Chart
Even as the RIAA and major labels continue to fuss and sue over the illegality of P2P file sharing, Nielsen Entertainment and BigChampagne announced today that they will partner to. Continue reading
deviantART Builds Powerful Online Art Community
Many web sites have tried to serve as online community centers for musicians and music lovers, but none has done for music what deviantART appears to be doing for progressive. Continue reading