the new music industry

Free Music Compilations For Hair Salons

In what hypebot thinks is a smart and innovative move to expose new music releases to the important female 18+ demographic, Audio Fidelity is launching a new venture with John. Continue reading

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Microsoft Enters The Online Music Market

According to the San Jose Mercury News, “Expect Microsoft to announce its long-anticipated foray into the online music business this week, raising the competitive stakes for the current market leader,. Continue reading

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Music Awards Shortlist Announces Nominess

An innovative awards program that promotes and honors non-mainstream music, The Shortlist Organization has revealed this year’s “Long List” of 73 initial nominations for the 2004 Shortlist Music Prize, as. Continue reading

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Help For The Majors Is On The Way: The DualDisc Comes To The US

CELEBRITYACCESS reports that the CD/DVD combo disc DualDisc is finally coming to our shores. Is this just another attempt to prop up a sagging bottom line at the major labels?. Continue reading

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Forbes Magazine Profiles XM And The Death Of Radio

This month’s Forbes magazine skewers radio for boring centralized programming and too many ads. This it goes on to praise XM Sattelite Radio as the future of radio. When will. Continue reading

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Madonna Adds Ringtones To Web Site

Proving again that she’s smarter than most of us Madonna has added ringtones for purchase on her web site. OK, so everyone is jumping on the ringtone bandwagon. But Madonna. Continue reading

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Rhapsody Cuts Deals With More Universities

If college students had a simple and almost free way to discover new music, wouldn’t it lead to increased CD/download sales, ticket sales, sales od swag and more? We think. Continue reading

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Clive Chides Music Retail For Lack Of Excitment

The Hollywood Reporter writes: “Legendary music mogul Clive Davis has some advice for music retailers looking to persuade music fans to return to traditional record shops: Make shopping more fun.. Continue reading

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Hits Daily Pubishes Reaction To Last Week’s P2P Ruling

From Hits: Appeals Court judge Sidney R. Thomas wrote, “The introduction of new technology is always disruptive to old markets, and particularly to those copyright owners whose works are sold. Continue reading

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Live Online Radio Pioneer 97X

From The Radio Internet Newsletter and The Cincinnati Post: “The 23-year-old Oxford, Ohio-based alternative music station 97X always billed itself as ‘The Future of Rock.’ With its new Web cast,. Continue reading

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