the new music industry

DiscLive Extends Concert CD Pact With The Pixies

DiscLive has announced that it will follow the Pixies on their fall tour and provide limited edition live discs from most shows starting with the September 18 performance at the. Continue reading

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iTunes Tops One Million Songs In Catalogue

Apple today announced that the iTunes Music Store now has over one million songs available for download in the US, becoming the first online digital music service to offer consumers. Continue reading

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BMG Cuts CD Prices But Can Cheaper Compete With Free?

From MusicBiz: “This is called striking while the iron is hot. While the industry is enjoying a 7.5% sales increase over last year, inside sources tell MusicBiz that BMG wants. Continue reading

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Smart Old School Promo: Dylan & Willie Nelson Tour Minor League Ball Parks

Here is some smart old school tour packaging that is generating a lot of buzz for two classic artists as reported by “Music legends Bob Dylan and Willie Nelson. Continue reading

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Labels Worry As CD/DVD Hyrbrid Format Hits Snag

In what can’t be good news for the record industry, Yahoo! News/Reuters reports that, “plans to sell new hybrid CD/DVDs have hit legal and licensing snags that threaten to scuttle. Continue reading

Share on: Offers New Access To Downloads

From While users are turning away from free peer-to-peer services like Kazaa under threats of industry lawsuits, worries about spyware, and dissatisfaction with the poor quality of tracks, new. Continue reading

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Colleges Punishing Downloader

From Music “it’s now being reported that almost all Kentucky colleges are yanking Internet access from copyright violators. Repeated violations can invoke a permanent ban. Morehead State, for instance,. Continue reading

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Another From The “It’s About Time” Department

Publisher Merriam-Webster announced the new entries for its 2004 Collegiate Dictionary, with new technology-related terms including “MP3” and “MPEG” among those making the cut. Usually, new entries take at least. Continue reading

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UK Bands Use New Technologies To Promote Spontaneous Guerrilla Performances

From “Punk is back, and it’s got a laptop. A new breed of alternative British rocker is once again giving the finger to the corporate music machine, thanks to. Continue reading

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Starbucks Hear Music Channel will Launch this Fall on XM Radio

XM Satellite Radio, the nation’s leading satellite radio provider, and the Starbucks Coffee Company have entered into an exclusive, multi- year strategic marketing alliance. As part of the agreement, the. Continue reading

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