the new music industry

Global Entertainment Execs Finally Reacting To New Realities

A new survey of top global media and entertainment executives by Ernst & Young shows that rapid public adoption of new technologies is now driving many of their planning and. Continue reading

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Music Retailers Face Tough Holiday Season

From "The manager at the front door of the Apple Store in the Grove shopping center in Los Angeles was smiling broadly late Friday afternoon. It was the day. Continue reading

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Major Labels Warm To Legal P2P

Warner Music, Sony/BMG and Universal have all signed up to be a part of Peer Impact, a legal peer-to-peer file-sharing network which launches early next year.  The company ensures that. Continue reading

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CES Awards Provide Glimpse Into Entertainment’s Future

  The Consumer Electronic Show Innovations Awards have become one of the best indicators of future trends in entertainment and entertainment delivery.  If the 800 or so products just nominated. Continue reading

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U2 Plays Free Unannouced Shows In NYC

Ever the smart marketers, U2 promoted their new CD release on the streets of NYC yesterday according to The Hollywood Reporter. "Irish rock star Bono brought traffic to a standstill. Continue reading

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WEED Says Listen Before You Buy writes that "while the music industry attempts to shutter peer-to-peer services in court and in Congress, one company is using P2P networks to promote and pay artists." "Shared Media. Continue reading

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Universal Experiments With Digital Only Releases

The New York Times today reported that Universal is starting a "digital only" release program for select indy bands. "…this week, the Shazam and seven other relatively unknown acts will. Continue reading

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Fox Launches Digital Music Store

Fox has made the move to digital music sales by launching its own online music store. Like Apple’s iTunes, will sell downloads from its catalog of songs and TV. Continue reading

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COMMENTARY: Election 2004 – The Day The Music Died

HYPEBOT COMMENTARY:  Why did the incredible efforts made by the music community to get out the vote and influence the 2004 election have so little effect?  Despite an unprecedented number. Continue reading

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Elvis Costello Spoofs FBI Piracy Warnings

Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. Bob. Continue reading

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