the new music industry

Universal Buys Roc-A-Fella And Names Jay-Z Pres./CEO Def Jam

According to FMQB "Universal Music’s Island Def Jam label has officially bought out Jay-Z’s successful Roc-A-Fella Records, purchasing the 50% it did not already own from Jay, Damon Dash, and. Continue reading

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New Service Distributes Promo Tracks To DJ’s Digitally

From Music Dish Network By The G-Man For all the hype surrounding digital distribution, nearly all initiatives have revolved around the distribution of music directly to fans for pay or. Continue reading

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Arbitron Announces Monthly Net Radio Listenership Report

Arbitron’s recently purchased Web cast Metrics rating service has just announced the latest rankings of Internet radio listener ship.  Electronic/Dance formatted Digitally Imported Radio comes out on top with an. Continue reading

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Survey Says Artists Don’t Believe P2P Hurts Them

Rueters and The Hollywood Reporter reort that, "Most musicians and artists say the Internet has helped them make more money from their work despite online file-trading services that allow users. Continue reading

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FTC P2P Workshop Make Little Progress

"As the Federal Trade Commission’s two-day workshop exploring peer-to-peer technology ended Thursday, both sides in the debate expressed a willingness to work together but found little common ground." "The FTC. Continue reading

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Net Radio On Your Cell Phone Getting Closer

In the kind of technological advance that we have been predicting that will lead internet radio on your cell phone reports that Cingular Wireless plans to offer 3G mobile. Continue reading

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Our recent commentary on the failure of efforts by the music community to get out the youth vote during the recent election was just published in Billboard under the rather. Continue reading

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Shawn Fanning’s Snocap Launches Paid P2P Clearinghouse

From The Hollywood Reporter: "…Shawn Fanning, known as a founder of Napster, publicly unveiled his legal peer-to-peer management platform called Snocap. Fanning described it as a music registry that would. Continue reading

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New CARP Legislation Becomes Law

From another great article from Kurt Hanson’s RAIN newsletter written by Kurt and Paul Maloney; "President Bush on Tuesday signed into law H.R. 1417, the measure which does away with. Continue reading

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Chicao Radio Station Debuts 3000 Song Playlist

FROM THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: "To Harvey Wells, the man behind the new Nine FM radio station, his competition isn’t just the slew of other formats vying for Arbitron ratings in. Continue reading

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