the new music industry

Plug Music Awards Celebrate Indies’ Best

From our pals at the ever cool Plug Music Awards: We know you are sitting at work looking for a good distraction and we over here at World¹s Fair have. Continue reading

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BET Finds Revenue In Ringtones

In the increasingly splintered world of media where advertising is everywhere, cross promotion remains one of the few methods left to catch a consumer off guard enough to actually get. Continue reading

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UK Labels License Music To Podcasts

Podcasting may prove to be a fad in the long run, but right now it’s the growing media of choice for hipsters and trendsetters. But as is too often the. Continue reading

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The decline in CD sales that has been happening for the last several years appears to be accelerating.  Last week’s sales were off 12.9% from the comparable week in 2004. Continue reading

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Sony BMG Faces New Copy Protection Debacle

Sony BMG already reeling from the so called rookit copy protected CD nightmare has a new mess on their hands according to the non-profit Electronic Frontier Foundation. "Certain audio compact. Continue reading

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Indy Music Retailer Fratt Shares Vision Of The Future

We’ve been writing a lot about Indy music retail lately. Part of it is nostalgia for the good old days when visiting a record store was a positive experience; and. Continue reading

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Amp’d Mobile To Offer 99 Cent Over The Air To Cell Downloads

Some believe that the convenience and immediacy of carrying your music around inside an expanded cell phone may provide the final tipping point converting many more from physical CD’s to. Continue reading

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Plug Awards Celebrate Indies’ Best

The annual Plug music award nominations are out.  Celebrating almost every permeation of the Indy alternative music scene, the nominations include such current "it" artists as Antony And The Johnsons,. Continue reading

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How To Start A Label On A Shoestring And Sell Millions? Just Ask Victory’s Tony Brummel.

How do you start and run a record label on a relative shoestring that nurtures several acts that easily sell 500,000 copies each without much radio play, MTV, or expensive. Continue reading

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Net Music Promotion Coming Of Age

The net is not just the music promotion vehicle of the future; it’s the preferred promotion engine of today.  Hypebot has written a lot about MySpace and internet success stories. Continue reading

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