the new music industry

Sony Debacle Has “Set Back Audio CD Protection By Years” As Artists Begin To Consider The Damage

Brian Bergstein the technical writer for The Associated Press has published a good overview piece on the Sony rootkit copy protection debacle which led to the recall of 4.7 million. Continue reading

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Yes there was news in the digital music space this week beyond the fall out from the Sony rootkit debacle.  Here’s the Digital Music News Week In Review beginning of. Continue reading

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Some Companies Ready To Ban Music CD’s At Work As Sony Rookit Fears Spread

Those charged with guarding corporate computer security now increasingly view the music CD as a "major threat"  thanks to the Sony rootkit controversy.  Digital Music News reported that at a. Continue reading

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Calls For Sony Boycott Grow

As the Sony rootkit controversy continues to grow so do the voices calling for a Sony boycott.  One writer started the drum beat days ago and an online petition. Continue reading

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Sony Comes Up Short With Consumers & Retailers In Rootkit Recall

Despite claims to the contrary it appears that Sony BMG is continuing to fail to answer both consumer and retailer concerns during the current rootkit/copy protection debacle. A quick search. Continue reading

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Sony Finally Communicates With Music Reltailers On Rootkit Controversy

CLICK BELOW FOR THE FULL TEXT OF SONY’S OFFICIAL LETTER. Just yesterday Sony finally issued a letter to music retailers explaining the rootkit controversy and re-call: "Security concerns have been. Continue reading

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Sony Releases List of 50 Rootkit Infected CD’s

Click below for a list of the 50 CD releases causing all he controversy. There’s also more coverage below.

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More Than Half Million Servers Infected By Sony Rootkit

<– Graphic depicts US computer computer servers infected by Sony’s rootkit. European and Asian infections are depicted below.  Click on each graphic to enlarge. More then half a million computer. Continue reading

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Indy CD Stores Hurting From Rootkit Controversy & Sales Downturn

In this week’s newsletter Coalition of Independant Music Stores head Dan VanCleave states that, "stores are staying that it is sucking out there right now. It seems a little while. Continue reading

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WEA Angers Some With Marketing Of Charity CD

Music marketing can really backfire when someone tries to make a connection between and artist and events that simply isn’t valid. Commentator Bob Lefsetz certainly thinks WEA did just that. Continue reading

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