the new music industry

Net Music Promotion Coming Of Age

The net is not just the music promotion vehicle of the future; it’s the preferred promotion engine of today.  Hypebot has written a lot about MySpace and internet success stories. Continue reading

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LA Times Investigation Names Top Sony BMG Execs Invloved in Payola

Anyone who has been in the music business for more than 15 minutes is familiar with the realities and rampant nature of (until very recently) payola, pay for play, "promotional. Continue reading

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LA Indy Music Store Aron’s To Close

R.I.P. We’ve been writing a bit lately about indy CD stores struggling in a big box/download world.  Now comes the sad news that venerable and eclectic LA landmark Aron’s Records. Continue reading

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KCRW’s Celia Hirschman Criticizes FCC For Lack Action On Payola

Celia Hirschman’s weekly commentary of the music industry "On The Beat" for LA’s KCRW-FM featured a strong commentary on NY Attorney General Elliott Spitzer’s major label payola probe, the effects. Continue reading

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WMG Sales Report: Less Is More

In a shareholder report that showed losses at the Warner Music Group narrowing, digital downloads now make up 6% of sales even CD sales declined by 6.3%.  Sell less and. Continue reading

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– Music sales continue to slide for the year with the kick-off to the holiday buying season doing little to turn things around.  Sales dropped nearly 13 percent year-over-year even. Continue reading

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Humor Magazine The Onion Skewers RIAA

This tongue-firmly-in-cheek "news story" appeared in the always hilarious ONION under the headline – RIAA BANS TELLING FRIENDS  ABOUT SONGS The Recording Industry Association of America announced Tuesday that it. Continue reading

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Indy Music Retail Off To Poor Holiday Start

Indy music retail is already suffering from a sales downturn and the Sony rootkit scandal, and it appears that Thanksgiving  weekend sales offer little hope for a turn-around entering into. Continue reading

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Some See Hope As Indy Music Stores Struggle

Differentiation has always been the secret weapon of niche marketing and Indy music retailers are increasingly becoming niche players as the big box stores sell more and more music using. Continue reading

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Labels Hiring “Callers” To Influence Video Chart Positions

Did you ever wonder how the major labels are spending the extra dollars they have left over now that their not handing it over the table to indy promo guys. Continue reading

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