the new music industry Says Share Your Videos For Free

As if we weren’t already inundated with too many windows into people’s personal lives and opinions via blogs,live journals, podcasts, and photo sharing services, along comes YouTube which allows folks. Continue reading

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MySpace now has 2 1/2 times the traffic of Google

That says it all.     PS: Yahoo has launced a competitor called 360.

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New Study Says Music Quality Doesn’t Determine Popularity

Take heart music marketers. An extensive Columbia University study proves that when it comes to music, hype matters more that quality.  The study published in Science Magazine shows that when. Continue reading

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The Amateurs Beat The Pros As American Idol Gives Grammys Lowest Ratings Ever

15 million people watched the what is touted as "the music industry’s best" during the Grammys from 8-9PM last week. Yet 29 million chose to watch lousy performances by amateurs. Continue reading

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Hypebot To Report From Pollstar

Monday thru Wednesday of this week we’ll be in Las Vegas at Pollstar Magazine’s annual Concert Industry Consortium.  This garthering of the tribe of the touring industry is sold out,. Continue reading

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A Letter To Sony BMG Staff From Andy Lack

According to HITS Sony BMG’s Andy Lack broke the news to his staff of his shuffle to the side with this ironic email yesterday.  In addition to Lack’s attempt at. Continue reading

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UPDATE: TIM BOWEN NEW SONY BMG COO. And It’s Official: Andy Lack Looses Control As Schmidt-Hotz Becomes CEO

BREAKING NEWS & COMMENTARY UPDATED: UPDATE: The LA Times is reporting that Tim Bowan, who now heads most of Sony BMG’s non-US operations will be named Chief Operating Officer.  Bowan. Continue reading

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UPDATED – FRENCH COURTS SAY PERSONAL P2P OK – UK’s The Register is reporting that "The French courts have ruled that using peer-to-peer networks (P2P), providing you are doing so. Continue reading

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Spitzer Subpoenas All Nine Major Radio Groups In Payola Probe

ABC News is reporting that the focus of a two-year-long payola investigation by New York Attorney  General Eliot Spitzer is now aimed at the nation’s nine largest radio conglomerates. Spizer. Continue reading

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Lack May Still Head SonyBMG In Reduced Role

Proving the insider odds makers wrong, Sony BMG head Andy Lack may keep his job after all. The LA Times is reporting that CEO Andrew Lack may become Sony BMG’s. Continue reading

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