the new music industry

Sillerman Says Major Labels Are History

From CelebrityAccess MediaWire  – Robert F.X. Sillerman (the man who brought us concert giant SFX/Clear Channel/Live Nation) has once again shaken up the entertainment industry, this time with a simple. Continue reading

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Can Struggling Subscription Services Still Be The Future Of Music?

So far the numbers are low, but several executives at Digital Hollywood believe that music subscription services like Yahoo! Unlimited and Napster are the wave of the future, according to. Continue reading

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Wrestling Sees Money In Music

Even as music profits slump, more and more brands are getting creative about utilizing and even monetizing the power of music to bring new life to their products.  Today World. Continue reading

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Broadcast Radio Increasingly Under Fire From New Technologies

Two interesting twists on the rapid evolution of broadcasting reported via the RAIN newsletter: First from Billboard Radio Monitor, in the UK "internet radio is more popular than digital downloads. Continue reading

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The Arctic Monkeys & The Potential For Too Much Hype In The Age Of Net Promo

Using the net and new technologies to circumvent the old boy/payola/corporate system and bring new music straight to the fans is a long held dream that to some degree is. Continue reading

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Sony BMG Partnership Again In Jeopordy As Bertlesmann Conisders Music Division Sale

The buzz is deafening with rumors that Bertelsmann is shopping its music properties which include a large publishing arm and half of Sony BMG.  The Reuters, The International Tribune, Forbes. Continue reading

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Apple Readying Cell/Music Hybrid iPhone Brand Marketing At SXSW Warners Buys Rykodisc Loken Leaves Label Land For Live Nation Marketing Post Album Sales Slump Continues Who Needs DJ’s? We do.. Continue reading

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Radiohead Hints At New Music Download Strategy

Radiohead is hinting on their web site that they may release some new music as single song downloads rather than wait for a full album cycle.  Not only would the. Continue reading

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Apple Ready To Produce iPhone Cell/Music Hybrid?

A cell phone that stores and plays music is the great dream of techies everywhere and the device that may create the final tipping point towards mass market acceptance of. Continue reading

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Warner Music Group To Buy Rykodisc

Warner Music is reportedly laying down $67.5 million to purchase indie label Rykodisc according The Hollywood Reporter. Founded by Don Rose in Salem, MA as a CD only re-issue label,. Continue reading

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