the new music industry

Worthy Clicks – What’s Happening Online

FreeIndie  – Authorized free full album downloads of indie acts. New Music Tip Sheet – Preview listing of CD releases for the rest of 2006. Download PDF here. The Buzz. Continue reading

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The Dawn Of The $8.50 MP3 Player

Japanese company Evergreen shatters the mp3 price barrier with a player that costs a mere $8.50.  Sure you need to insert a 1 meg SD card because the player lacks. Continue reading

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Is There Too Much Music?

Momus comments on that music now seems to be everywhere filling all of the spaces of our lives.  But is it always a good thing?  Of course it feels. Continue reading

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FanMail Case Study: Madison House/String Cheese’s Sci Fidelity Records

Case studies written by one of the parties directly involved can by nature be a bit self-serving.  After all they have a point of view: they’re product works.  FanMail Marketing’s. Continue reading

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No DRM For Coke’s New Free Music Show

At least one label is experimenting with using P2P rather than fighting it. Island Def Jam and Coca Cola are joining forces for a new free video program called "Stateside",. Continue reading

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Nettwerk Mgt’s McBride Encouraging His Acts To Go D.I.Y.

(CelebrityAccess MediaWire) — Nettwerk Music Group CEO Terry McBride has advised his company’s clients to take note of the indies and the DIY-scene, telling the major stars they no longer. Continue reading

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The Sandi Thom Story: Fraud Or Smart Marketing?

Thanks to Hypebot reader Alison Noise who tipped us off to what some say is the real story behind Sandi Thom’s month of nightly webcasts from her UK apartment that. Continue reading

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Lifestyle marketing firm Cornerstone has launched an in-house Music Supervision Department. With in-house expertise and a contact base of music experts including DJs, programmers, artists and labels, the music supervision. Continue reading

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Can The Music Industry Get Beyond P2P And Piracy?

"Although about 3 million computers get sold every year in China, people don’t pay for the software. Someday they will, though. And as long as they’re going to steal it,. Continue reading

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Payola Probes Make Tight Playlists Tighter

The latest payola probes by NY Attorney General Spitzer and now the FCC have not opened up radio playlists as some had predicted. Instead it has actually made them tighter. Continue reading

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