the new music industry

Surprise! Legal Downloads Killing CD Sales

Even legal single download sales hurt CD’s sales.  If you can buy a favorite track; why buy the whole CD?  Just ask Daniel Powter whose single "Dad Day" went  #1. Continue reading

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MySpace – The Next Generation

"Fox Interactive Media is in the midst of a massive push to harness the power of MySpace and its other Web-based businesses to redefine online advertising and marketing, e-commerce, digital. Continue reading

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Hypebot’s New Music Industry Briefing For Wednesday July 26th, 2006

– Clear Channel radio and Coca Cola have partnered for a new live concert streaming series. (DMN) – Facebook, the No. 2 online social networking site (13 million visitors to. Continue reading

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Victory Record’s Outspoken Tony Brummel Pummels A2IM

Tony Brummel, the outspoken head of successful indie Victory Records wrote an open letter to the American Association Of Independent Music on their fight to make the airwaves more open. Continue reading

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AM Radio Returns To Top Spot But Music Suffers

AM Radio is holding its own and sometimes even surpassing FM broadcasters in the ratings.  Unfortunately their success has little to do with music and the trend could migrate to. Continue reading

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South Park On P2P Via YouTube

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Hypebot’s New Music Industry Briefing For Tuesday July 25th, 2006

– U.K. music company Mama Group has confirmed it’s made an offer for larger rival Sanctuary Group and said it was prepared to go hostile if necessary. (MarketWatch) As if. Continue reading

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Exclusive Interview With Orchard CEO Greg Scholl

Just in case you missed our exclusive interview with Orchard President and CEO Greg Scholl on piracy, working with Russia and what excites him about going to work every day:. Continue reading

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SnoCap Enables Direct Downloads For Indies

Scott Fanning’s SnoCap is now offering fairly simple tools that allow bands to sell their music direct on their own web site as well as via SnoCap enabled retailers.  Check. Continue reading

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“Best Of Blue Tones” Aims At Adult Ring Tune Market

Ringtones and ring tunes have become strong new revenue streams for labels and publishers. But until now most of the action has been with the under 30 set. Now Blue. Continue reading

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