3 Updates Make Facebook A Better Place To Market Music
Facebook is rolling out FB5, a new design for that’s "simpler, faster, more immersive and puts your communities at the center." Three of the updates offer musicians and music marketers. Continue reading
ASCAP 2018 Revenue Up 7% To $1.2 Billion
ASCAP has announced that total revenues for 2018 topped $1.227 billion, an increase of 7% over the previous year. That's the second year in a row that ASCAP distributions crossed. Continue reading
5 Ways You Don’t Understand Your Fans and Why They’re Tuning You Out
As an artist, it's important to take a step back and ask yourself: do you really know who your actual fans? Here Chris Robley of CD Baby explains why communicating. Continue reading
Concerts From The Closet: Amy Speace’s “Yes” to Motherhood + Music Making
When critically acclaimed singer/songwriter, Amy Speace, live streamed a Concert Window album preview from her walk-in closet to the fans who had just helped fund its release, it wasn’t because she couldn’t book another venue. It was because she is both a new mom, and a musician, and with a one year old asleep down the hallway, it was a way to say yes to both.
Pandora Adds Ticketmaster Integration
Pandora has partnered Ticketmaster to bring more concert dates to the platform. “In our ongoing effort to provide a comprehensive and seamless artist marketing experience, Pandora has partnered with Ticketmaster. Continue reading
What Promotional Platforms Give Artists That Soundcloud, Dropbox, Do Not
As the music industry continues to evolve and change, promotion has become more important than ever but has, unfortunately, gotten anything but easier. That said, there are a number of. Continue reading
Songwriter Rate Appeal To Be ‘Long Drawn Out Process’ says Spotify Exec
Spotify and other streamers (sans Apple) have appealed new songwriter royalty rates set by the US Copyright Royalty Board, effectively ensuring that the increase is unlikely to flow to songwriters. Continue reading
It’s Easier For New Artists To Gain Traction On Spotify says CEO Daniel Ek
Artist and music discovery on Spotify were among the topics covered during Monday's earnings call. With CEO Daniel Ek sharing some stats that show that the despite the fact that. Continue reading