Why No One Is Noticing Your Music
In the music industry, the climb up the ladder of success is an especially grueling one, and it can be frustrating, afters years of recording and performing, to still not. Continue reading
Full Screen Direct Shutters As D2F Takes Another Hit
Fullccreen Direct is shutting down all operations The direct-to-consumer platform which served 75 major music clients including Metallica, Kid Rock, Justin Timberlake and Keith Urban was the backbone of their. Continue reading
Game Of Thrones Breaks Shazam Record
Proper placement in a show has long played a major role in boosting a song's profile, as recently evidenced by the Apple-owned music identification app Shazam, which busted through its. Continue reading
Fyre Festival’s Billy McFarland Writing Memoir From Jail
Billy McFarland, co-founder of the failed Fyre Festival, is writing a memoir about the event while he is in federal prison serving 6 years for fraud and selling fake tickets. Continue reading
The Event Marketing Lifecycle: When Can You Sell The Most Tickets?
When and where you market your event is essential to selling tickets, and thanks to a plethora of data, we can now map out an event's entire marketing lifecycle in. Continue reading
YouTube Coachella Views Jump 90% A Live Concert Streaming Comes Of Age
Here's a stat for the many who doubted that mainstream fans would ever want to watch a concert live on their computer or phone: YouTube’s live stream of Coachella's first. Continue reading
Paste Magazine’s Josh Jackson On His Noisetrade Acquisition
Paste Magazine Editor In Chief Josh Jackson joins Michael Brandvold and Jay Gilbert on the Music Business Weekly podcast, who discusses Paste’s recent acquisition of Noisetrade. What are Paste’s plans?. Continue reading