Monetize Music on YouTube and TikTok

How to make money from cover songs on YouTube

Posting cover songs is not for every artist. However, if you’re still struggling to get noticed it’s a great way to kick off your career and even start making money.. Continue reading

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YouTube Dream Track introduces new ways to use AI for music

YouTube Dream Track allows users to pay for legal AI-generated soundtracks using the voices of celebrities. Although this feature opens the door for copyright crimes, it also helps to catch. Continue reading

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Your Morning Coffee Podcast

Your Morning Coffee Podcast: TikTok music sharing • Spotify fights fraud • YouTube flags AI • More

Episode 171 of Jay Gilbert and Mike Etchart’s podcast Your Morning Coffee: Weekly News for the New Music Business is available now. Episode 171 Listen on your favorite podcast platform.. Continue reading

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TikTok ban

TikTok shuts $1B creator fund as Instagram creator subscriptions hit 1M, YouTube Shorts expands monetization

How creators earn on TikTok is shifting again with the closure of its original $1 billion creator fund shutting down on December 16th in the US, UK, Germany, and France,. Continue reading

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Spotify and YouTube need a ‘Boost’ button to simplify marketing

Michael Branvold and Jay Gilbert talk about one of their biggest wish as music marketers: a button on YouTube and Spotify that triggers a paid “boost” to make it easy. Continue reading

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10 days left to apply for YouTube’s FIFTY DEEP Hip Hop Grants 2024

To continue to amplify Black voices in the music industry, YouTube has introduced FIFTY DEEP Music Grants, a multi-generational initiative to champion Black musicians in the Hip-Hop space. Interested in applying? Here’s. Continue reading

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public YouTube audience stat

What is the YouTube Billion View Club, and who is in it?

A few weeks ago, we looked at the Spotify Billion Stream club, now it’s time for YouTube’s Billion View Club. According to YouTube, there are 450 songs that have reached at least a billion views, but. Continue reading

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YouTube just announced 5 free video creation and editing tools

YouTube just announced a suite of new free video creation and editing tools driven by AI that will be rolling out to all users in the coming weeks. Dream Screen. Continue reading

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Music bills

New bill empowers musicians to negotiate with streamers, AI platforms

A revised version of the Protect Working Musicians Act introduced by US Representative Deborah Ross of North Carolina would make it easier for independent musicians to negotiate with streaming services and. Continue reading

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Recorded music revenue grew 9.3% to all-time high of $8.4B in first half of 2023, says RIAA

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) mid-year 2023 report shows that the industry hit new revenue milestones in its ninth consecutive year of growth. Total recorded music revenues grew. Continue reading

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