make money selling vinyl records

Make Money on Vinyl record sales: How to recoup your investment

Wondering if pressing vinyl is worth the investment? Learn how much you can make back from pressing and selling your records directly to fans, plus key insights on profit margins and sales strategies.

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Resurgence of Record Stores: Exploring the Vinyl Revival

The Resurgence of Record Stores: Exploring the Vinyl Revival

Dive into why vinyl has become so popular in the digital age and driven a resurgence of record stores.

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Your Morning Coffee Podcast

Your Morning Coffee Podcast: Vinyl sales • Super-Premium subs are coming • nostalgia Concerts • More

Episode 224 of Jay Gilbert and Mike Etchart’s podcast Your Morning Coffee: Weekly News for the New Music Business is available now. LISTEN HERE.

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Two future paths for the vinyl revival [MIDiA’s Tatiana Cirisano]

The vinyl revival is at a crossroads, with two distinct paths that could define its future in music culture. Dive into the factors shaping these possible directions and what they mean for collectors, artists, and the industry.

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Vinyl Sales are up in 2024: Luminate report of 33% decline under fire

After music sales data leader Luminate published data showing a 33% decline in 2024 vinyl sales, those directly involved in the sector offered stats showing that vinyl sales are up and an explanation for the discrepancy.

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Anthropic tops $61B despite copyright lawsuits

Inflation Adjustment for Physical and Vinyl Mechanical Royalties 2025 Estimate

The Copyright Royalty Board’s annual inflation adjustment raises physical and download mechanical royalty rates, thanks to past advocacy rejecting frozen rates. What will the inflation adjustment for physical and vinyl. Continue reading

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music sales

Vinyl and CD Sales: Why Physical Sales Still Matter in Some Genres

Vinyl and CD sales still matter. Some music genres, more than others, aren’t ready to say goodbye to physical products. Discover why vinyl, CDs, and cassettes still reign supreme for certain audiences.

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make money selling vinyl records

The Appeal of Vinyl Records: Exploring Sound Quality & Nostalgia

Explore the appeal of vinyl records and find out if their sound quality truly surpasses digital formats. Here’s why vinyl is making a comeback and captivating audiophiles worldwide.

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Vinyl vs. Digital Music

Vinyl vs. Digital Music: A Battle for Superior Quality

Vinyl vs. Digital Music: find out which format reigns supreme in sound quality, durability, and overall listening pleasure and how that might change your release strategy.

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The Lifespan of Vinyl: How Long Do Records Last?

The lifespan of vinyl records depends on various factors, including storage conditions, handling, and the quality of the vinyl. Here’s how you can get the most of vinyl and even. Continue reading

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