As Vine Shuts Down, A Brief History Of Failed Social Media Sites [INFOGRAPHIC]
Last week came news that Twitter is shutting down video app Vine. It's the latest in a growing list of social media fails that serve as a reminder that the. Continue reading
Donald Trumps Own Viral ‘Freedom Kids’ Now Plan Lawsuit Against Trump Campaign
Some may recall the Trump campaign's singing/dancing 'Freedom Kids' from earlier this year. Now it looks as though the group's organizer will be suing the campaign after its violation of. Continue reading
Teens Name Facebook 3rd Most Important Social Network
Facebook is the most popular social network in the world, but as usual, teens have their own ideas. A new Piper Jaffray survey shows that Facebook-owned Instagram is considered the "most. Continue reading
Up Your Instagram Marketing Game With Web Embeds, Social Media Tools
The launch of video on Instagram focused a lot of attention on the photo and video sharing service. In such circumstances every upgrade and tweak is going to get extra. Continue reading
Twitter’s Vine Withers As Instagram Video Blossoms [CHART]
Twitter's once popular VIne short video service appears to be suffering since the launch of Facebook's Instagram Video. According to data from Topsy, Vine video sharing on Twitter has collapsed by. Continue reading
Music Marketing With Instagram Video vs. Vine
Instagram Video is here and those who care are wondering if it will defeat Vine or if they can happily coexist. 5 million clips were loaded the first day of. Continue reading