How Long Until Google And EFF File Amicus Briefs In Aurous Lawsuit?
After major labels recently filed suit against the unlicensed music download and streaming service Aurous, (which is being referred to as the "PopcornTime of music") history is suggesting that the. Continue reading
Music Publishing News Roundup 10.2.15: YouTube’s Music Service • Apple Music To China • Congressional Listening Tour
Indications suggest the long-awaited release of YouTube’s music streaming service is quickly approaching. The video streaming giant’s premium-tier service entered it’s bata last fall, however letters were recently sent out to. Continue reading
U.S. Court Strikes Down Net Neutrality: What It Means For Music, FOMC Reacts
UPDATE 2 : A U.S. federal appeals court on Tuesday struck down key parts of the FCC's Open Internet rules, saying that the agency does not have the power to require internet. Continue reading