Artists Are Using Uber To Release New Music
It seems that the car service Uber is becoming more than a taxi. It's also a way to deliver and even break new music to fans. Britney Spears released her new single "Pretty Girls". Continue reading
5 Great Ways Musicians Can Use Facebook Video
2015 is the year Facebook video will reach parity with YouTube’s feature set and audience. The introduction of auto-playing video, changes to the platform’s algorithm to favor video, and Facebook’s strong. Continue reading
Three Ways Musicians Can Stand Out On Social Media
Social media has become one of the most powerful self-promotional tools for all artists. But while many acts use social media like Facebook and Twitter to advertise new releases and. Continue reading
Cookie Now, Market Later: Veruca Salt and The Power Of Retargeting
When you have big news about your band to announce, make sure you don’t miss out on retargeting pool opportunities. The earlier that you get your retargeting pixels in place. Continue reading
2015 Social Media Pyramid by CyberPR
It happens to me all of the time when I teach social marketing. Faces go blank, frustration begins to settle in and then I hear: “I just don’t have anything interesting to. Continue reading
4 Ways to Get Festival Ticket Holders to Bring More Friends through Word of Mouth Marketing
Turning fans of live music into vocal advocates begins with asking, but that's really just where it starts. How you ask, what you ask for, and how you show your. Continue reading
Sony Forces The Verge To Take Down Leaked Spotify Contract
The leaked contract between Sony Music and Spotify has caused ripples throughout the industry. The complex deal has drawn criticism from artists, managers and others who question the deal's fairness. Continue reading
Not Getting The Media Coverage You Want? Go Get It!
Getting press coverage should be easy in the digital age, right? WRONG! Check out today's article to see how not much has changed in the world of Public Relations when. Continue reading
Tweet-Sized Touring Tips For DIY Musicians
It’s springtime, so naturally touring is on the brain. CD Baby’s Twitter chat in April was all about touring.Then Kevin Breuner and I had a discussion on the DIY Musician Podcast about our best. Continue reading
Getting People To Come To Your Show On A Weeknight
Any band that's toured at least once knows that attendance at shows varies not only city by city, but also day by day. Scheduling events is tough enough, and sometimes. Continue reading