5 Big Tips That Will Save Your Band’s Tour

Going on tour is a big endeavor that requires planning. Many people have posted how to book a tour, but very few have talked about how to survive a tour.. Continue reading

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An attempt to get Australian Artists off the Twitter Fence. How Twitter has worked for me.

Ariel Hyatt of CyberPR recently wrapped up a nationwide tour of Australia. While in there, Ariel found out that Australian musicians weren’t sold on Twitter. In order to show the. Continue reading

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MusicThinkTank.com Weekly Recap: Why Music is Less Valuable Than Expertise & More

Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud   Ariel Hyatt: Musician's Arsenal: Killer Apps, Tools and Sites – GigFunder Jamie Leger: Why Music is Less Valuable Than Expertise and Information…?. Continue reading

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Musician’s Arsenal: Killer Apps, Tools and Sites – GigFunder

Fan funding has become a part of many DIY musicians’ strategies. There are various fan funding companies like Kickstarter and PledgeMusic. On Music Think Tank, Ariel Hyatt features fan funding. Continue reading

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MTT: Marian Call Leveraged Twitter to Tour 50 States & Returned w/ Money in Her Pocket

Ariel Hyatt developed the 1,000 True Fans theory and continues to find inspiration from artists that have followed her theory. On Music Think Tank, Ariel interviews Marian Call, an artist. Continue reading

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Breaking Through The Clutter: A New Artist’s Perspective On The Music Industry

The music industry is going through major changes. Some say that this is the best time to get into the music industry while others think the opposite. No matter what,. Continue reading

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