3 Content Tips For Artists Using Twitch
One of the side effects of quarantine and canceled shows has been a major uptick in artist live streams. One of the more popular platforms for doing this has been. Continue reading

Top YouTube Playlists To Get Featured On
YouTube remains one of the most important marketing platforms for artists, so it’s important to keep it in mind when considering your overall promotional strategy. Here we look at some. Continue reading

Spotify Offers Tips For The Best Livestream Setup
As the shutdown stretches on, many artists are becoming quite adept at in-home live streaming, and have begun to perfect the craft. In this piece, we hear some pro tips. Continue reading

Getting It Done: The Week In D.I.Y. and Indie Music
In our tips and ideas section for artists, we this week offered advice on how to write music for advertising, what you need to do to avoid music business scams,. Continue reading

Getting It Done: The Week In D.I.Y. and Indie Music
This week, our tips and advice for the music industry’s indepent do-it-yourselfers covered the one thing more important than success, how to write more successful pitch emails, what expenses you. Continue reading

8 Tips To Promote Your Music Brand On Social Media
While brand is something typically associated with selling products or services, the same principles can be applied to music. Here Jane Evans share eight key tips for effectively promoting your. Continue reading
MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: Twitter #Music Is a Dud & More
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Jon Ostrow: Twitter #Music Is a Dud… But Twitter is Still Critical To Your Marketing Mark Doyon: Think of Your Music. Continue reading
Easy Ways to Rock Your Personal Social Media When You’re Totally Swamped
Are you getting overloaded with keeping up on social media? You can do a few things to manage your accounts even when your schedule is busy. On Music Think Tank,. Continue reading