Judges call Live Nation arbitration ‘Crazy,’ ‘Nuts’ & ‘Unconscionable’
A California District Court removed a ticket buyer class claim from arbitration because the fine print that accompanied each ticket purchase was “drafting malpractice,” “cockamamie,” and “just nuts,” according to. Continue reading

DoJ calls for breakup of the Live Nation and Ticketmaster ‘flywheel’
The U.S. Department of Justice and 30 states called for Live Nation and Ticketmaster’s breakup Thursday for allegedly using their dominance in live music to create an “unlawful monopoly” that. Continue reading

Live Nation’s Rapino enjoys widest CEO-to-Worker Fortune 500 pay gap, says study
Live Nation Entertainment President and CEO Michael Rapino got the largest compensation package of any Fortune 500 executive last year at $139 million. The package included his $3 million base. Continue reading