MTT: Marian Call Leveraged Twitter to Tour 50 States & Returned w/ Money in Her Pocket

Ariel Hyatt developed the 1,000 True Fans theory and continues to find inspiration from artists that have followed her theory. On Music Think Tank, Ariel interviews Marian Call, an artist. Continue reading

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Marketing Music Through Non-Linear Communication: The Ecosystem Of Fans, Artist & Label

On Music Think Tank, Bas Grasmayer has posted a follow-up to his article that was posted in March where he introduced his thesis’ main theory of the ecosystem of fans.. Continue reading

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1,000 True Fans Theory At Work In Australia

On Music Think Tank, Ariel Hyatt brings her posts about 1,000 true fans to Australia. In the post, James Chatman (from Sydney) contributes to the 1,000 true fans theory. He. Continue reading

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