How to get music played on TV
Television is more within reach than most people are aware, especially with shows in local markets. Once you get coverage, you can use it to open more doors and opportunities.. Continue reading

Discovery Networks Relents, Will Pay Composer’s Their Worth
Following in the massive backlash Discovery Networks received from the television composer community last month after announcing it would cease to properly compensate composers, the company is now backtracking on. Continue reading

Life Is Soon Going To Get Much Harder For Composers
For decades, many composers have relied on the back-end royalties provided to them when their music was aired on a television show. Now, thanks to changes in the regulations both. Continue reading
Streaming May Have Slowed Piracy, But It Certainly Hasn’t Stopped It [CHART]
The convenience of streaming has unquestionably slowed music piracy. But it certainly has not stopped it. According to a late 2016 study by Ipsos for the IFPI which surveyed 12,600 internet. Continue reading
How To Find Music Supervisors Using Tunefind [Hypebot’s Music Biz Weekly Podcast]
Amanda Byers, the Managing Director of Tunefind, joins host Michael Brandvold this week for Hypebot's Music Biz Weekly Podcast. TuneFind helps fans find music from their favorite TV shows and Movies,. Continue reading
Just 3% Of Apple Users Subscribe To Apple Music: Room For Growth or Failed Service?
A new analysis by Amit Daryanani of RBC Capital Markets looks at the revenue that Apple Music and iTunes returns to Apple. But tucked within the findings is a stat. Continue reading
Walk Off The Earth Gained 636 Million Views With Low Budget Videos: Here’s How
Walk Off The Earth acheived the marketing dream of many, creating compelling low budget videos and uploading them for consumption by what grew into an army of fans. In this. Continue reading
Music Streaming Subscriptions Are Still Stuck In Early Adopter Niche [CHART]
2015 was a big year for streaming music but it was a bigger deal for streaming video, generating $16 billion in revenue compared to $4.5 billion for streaming music, reports. Continue reading
Organic Reach From Social Media Is Declining, Here’s What You Can Do About It
The evidence that organic reach is in decline could not be more clear, meaning that preexisting social media stratagems are no longer as effective as they once were. Here we. Continue reading