MTT Weekly Recap: How to Structure a Company to Succeed in the Current Music Industry
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Taurean Casey: CALL TO INDIE ARTISTS: STOP GIVING AWAY YOUR MUSIC FOR FREE! DG Gutekunst: Odds Are… Frank Woodworth: How to Structure a. Continue reading
Call To Indie Artists: Stop Giving Your Music Away
Free stuff is enticing. However, free is a controversial topic especially in music. Do you believe in giving away music for free? On Music Think Tank, Taurean Casey believes that. Continue reading
MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: Interns, Demand, Dreams, and the New Music Industry
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Aubrey Burton: The Music Intern: Five Tips for Success Minh Chau: Generate Demand for Your Music Music On The Make: 5 Easy Steps. Continue reading
The New Music Industry is Not Coming
According to Taurean Casey on MusicThink Tank, the new music industry is already here. Different business models are reshaping how we market and distribute music. Change is inevitable and the. Continue reading