State of Music Synchronization w/ Synchtank Founder Joel T. Jordan [Part 2]
In part two of this interview with Synchtank founder Joel T. Jordan, the music licensing entrepreneur weighs in on the importance of data efficiency and artistic integrity. Guest post by. Continue reading

State of Music Synchronization With Synchtank Founder Joel T. Jordan [INTERVIEW]
In this interview, punk rock entrepreneur and Founder/President at SynchTank, Joel T. Jordan discusses how he got his start in the industry, and his work at SynchTank bringing together movies,. Continue reading

Big Sync Music On Providing Data-Driven Music Solutions For Brands
In this set of interviews, we hear from Big Synch Music’s new country managers, as the company works to expand into four new markets, bringing data-driven music solutions to Australia/New. Continue reading
New On Our Jobs Board: Stereobot.com Will Pay You To Listen To Music
New on our Music Industry Jobs Board is Stereobot.com, a music provider for TV, games and film, looking for music specialists to help categorize their library. The job pays hourly and. Continue reading
New On Hypebot’s Jobs Board: Pledge Music Needs A&R Scouts
New on the Music Industry Jobs Board is PledgeMusic, the international direct-to-fan company hiring full-time and part-time A&R Scouts. There are also industry job openings at Brooklyn's Virtual Label reKiosk, SynchTank. Fame House, TAG Strategic, Jay. Continue reading