Live music music struggles with Omicron as Congress considers new funding round
The Omicron variant is reeking havoc on the global live music sector as fans weigh the risk of attending live shows. New ticket sales for shows in January and February. Continue reading

‘Save Our Stages Extension Act’ support grows
The National Independent Venue Association has thrown it’s weight behind a bipartisan bill aimed at extending the ‘Save Our Stages’ program, in part due to the initial program’s stilted rollout.. Continue reading

After 7 months of delays, SBA SVOG grants are finally helping to save independent live music
After months of delays, SBA SVOG grants are starting to reach desperate indie music venues, promoters, agents. and managers struggling to recover from the pandemic. The $16 billion US federal. Continue reading

A few venues are finally getting SBA SVOG grants but problems remain
A few independent music venues have finally begun receiving SBA SVOG grant approvals, but many other applicants continue to report significant problems. More than 5 months after the Shuttered Venue. Continue reading

5 months after $16B in SBA SV0G grants became law $0 has been distributed to indie venues
5 months ago in late December of 2020 former President Trump signed into law a bill that guaranteed $16 billion in grant relief to desperate independent music venues. As of. Continue reading

SBA says no SVOG funds for desperate venues before late May
The SBA nows says that no Shuttered Venue Operating Grant (SVOG) funds would be awarded to desperate independent venues, promoters, and agents before the end of May. In December, more. Continue reading

Indie agents react to SBA SVOG grant process: “We were all swinging from a rope…”
While the program to funnel $16B in desperately needed federal funds to the independent live music community is finally taking applications, its debut was not without drama. On April 8th. Continue reading

17K apply for SBA SVOG funds in the first 24 hours
More than 17,000 indie music venues, agents, and others eligible for $16B in desperately needed Shuttered Venue Operating Grants applied in the first 24 hours, according to the SBA. “As. Continue reading

Music venues hopeful after SBA finally begins taking SVOG grant applications
Hope returned for struggling indie music venues and agents Monday wafter the SBA finally began taking applications for desperately needed Shuttered Venue Operating Grants (SVOG) after multiple false starts. A. Continue reading

SBA SVOG portal set to open today after multiple false starts
The SBA portal designed to take applications for desperately needed Shuttered Venue Operating Grants is finally scheduled to open today (Monday) after multiple false starts. Four months after it was. Continue reading