3 Simple Things To Boost YouTube Subscribers
As a musician, YouTube subscribers are something of a Holy Grail when it comes to promoting your music. Growing your subscriber base can be hard, however, and if you’ve been. Continue reading

A Guide To Converting Fans Into Paying Subscribers
Amassing a following on streaming services and social media is a great first step for artists, but being able to take those fare-weather fans and convert them into paying subscribers. Continue reading

YouTube Corrects Broken Channel Subscriber Notifications
Creators on YouTube have been experiencing some frustration with the platform over some failings regarding its subscriber notifications. YouTube appears to have now fixed the situation, meaning subscribers will actually. Continue reading

How Many Email Subscribers A Musician Really Needs
In an age where we’re constantly bombarded by an endless deluge of content, email newsletters have remained one of an artist’s best tools for sustaining a following of fans. Here. Continue reading