Importance Of Constructing A Narrative
Here Jake Udell reflects on how the non-linear nature in which fans often experience music differs from that of other media, and how this experience should inform the way bands. Continue reading
MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: What’s The Story? & More
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Mark Knight: What’s The Story? The Value Of Storytelling In Music Promotion Mark Doyon: Building Context for Your Creative Work Simon Tam:. Continue reading
What’s The Story? The Value Of Storytelling In Music Promotion
With so much music and noise, promoting your music seems like a daunting task. How do you stand out and get people to remember you? Mark Knight suggests using storytelling. Continue reading
How To Make Your Facebook Timeline POP!
With Facebook’s Timeline, musicians have a great tool to show fans interesting things in their histories and milestones in their careers. Don’t know what exactly to include? Check out Ariel. Continue reading
Buzz: There’s More to a Free Music Campaign than Free Music…
Many artists give away a free song to market their music. In order for this marketing strategy to work, musicians need to do more than just give the song away. Continue reading
Tips on Writing an Effective Artist Biography
Having trouble writing your artist biography? If you don’t have someone to write your biography and you need some help, you may want to check out this MTT post. On. Continue reading
Reason #1 For The Fan Experience: A Take That Story
How important is the fan experience? Very – especially if you want to grow your fan base. On Music Think Tank, Leena Sowambur tells a story about the band, Take. Continue reading
MTT Weekly Recap: So, You Want a Label Contract?
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Ariel Hyatt: Musician's Arsenal: Killer Apps, Tools & Sites – Limelight Apryl Peredo: So, You Want a Label Contract? IndieAmbassador.com: Buzz: Creative Merchandising. Continue reading
How Jail-Time and Cults Can Help Your Band Become Successful, Part 1
Are you an artist that has a compelling story or a unique way of connecting with fans? You may be able to leverage that story in order to help your. Continue reading