Guide to SMS text marketing for independent musicians
In addition to social media and email, one of the best ways artists can market their music to fans is via text message! Here, we cover a few tips for. Continue reading

Indie musicians’ guide to SMS text marketing
SMS, or Short Message Service (aka texting), can be an effective tool for marketing just like any form of communication and, in fact, more consumers prefer a text to an. Continue reading

Personalize your SMS using fun patterns, new cursors
Here, the good folks at Symphonic share of few of the delightfully whimsical new SMS options for cursors and backgrounds now being offered. Guest post by Randi Zimmerman of the. Continue reading
Mobile Marketing for Independent Artists
We posted previously about the increasing importance of mobile marketing. Now that it’s 2012 – are you ready to gear up your mobile marketing? On Music Think Tank, IndieAmbassador.com helps. Continue reading