‘Where’s my money?’ songwriters, publishers ask MLC
Thanks to services claiming their safe harbor under the Music Modernization Act Title I giveaway, The Mechanical Licensing Collective recently came into $424,000,000, but has so far failed to disburse. Continue reading

US Copyright Office: DMCA’s Safe Harbour System “Unbalanced”
The United States Copyright Office seems prepared to revise the controversial ‘safe harbour’ provisions of the ’98 Digital Millennium Copyright Act, siting the the current notice-and-takedown system seems tilted in. Continue reading

Stopping Google’s End Run: No Safe Harbor Privilege in Trade Agreements
The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement recently passed the house and is headed for the senate. Many in the music industry are concerned, however, that the new deal contains concepts which looks. Continue reading
BMG Leads Fight To Limit ‘Safe Harbor’ Protections
BMG has become a standout among music publishers taking direct action against any U.S. internet service provider failing to enforce their "repeat infringer" policy. Now, even as the EU considers. Continue reading
A2IM Backs #LOVEMUSIC Campaign, Urges Action
American Association of Independent Music (A2IM) has added its support to the #LoveMusic campaign fighting for passage of an EU proposal to modernize copyright and limit the "safe harbor" provisions. Continue reading