Stay On Top Of Music Business News By Following Hypebot Via RSS
One of the best ways to follow new music industry news is via Hypebot’s RSS feed using Feedly or your favorite RSS reader. Plug https://feeds.feedblitz.com/hypebot into your favorite RSS feeder. Continue reading

New Hypebot RSS Feed
As you may have noticed last week, Hypebot’s transition to WordPress and a new design has been a bit wonky. One of the ongoing issues is a broken RSS feed.. Continue reading
After Getting Dropped By Your Record Label…
While getting picked up by a label can seem for many artists like the be all and end all, the honeymoon phase following a signing doesn't always last. Here we. Continue reading
Do Less, Get More Done: The Ultimate Time Management Tip For Musicians
So much to do, and so little time. Just keeping your various social media accounts can be overwhelming. Bur there is an answer, says Dave Kusek of New Artist Model,. Continue reading
SoundCloud Usage Is Falling, Making Turnaround More Difficult
New investors are hoping to turn a struggling SoundCloud around, but their job rapidly becoming more difficult because of falling usage. Traffic to soundcloud.com has seen a steady decrease, down from 353. Continue reading
SoundCloud Slashes 3 Month Subscription To Just $1
[UPDATED] Despite admitting to investors that it could run out of cash within months, SoundCloud has dropped the price of its premium $9.99 per month SoundCloud Go+ streaming music service. Continue reading
Former Pandora, Sirius XM Exec Chris Harrison Named CEO Digital Media Association
Digital music veteran Chris Harrison has been named the CEO of the Digital Media Association (DiMA), a trade group representing Spotify, Apple, Pandora and other online distributors of digital music,. Continue reading