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MONDAY 2.6.2022 • Music Business News From Across The Web Updated Continuously Under MORE NEWS Tab Above

Noah Shachtman named Rolling Stone Editor-in-Chief
Rolling Stone recently announced that veteran journalist and blogger Noah Shachtman would be taking on the role of the publication’s new Editor-in-Chief. Guest post by Ian Courtney of Celebrity Access. Continue reading

Rolling Stone Adds A Paywall
Rolling Stone is putting select content and its massive archives behind a $4.99 monthly paywall. Some content will remain free and others will at least require a newsletter subscription. “The. Continue reading

Rolling Stone To Launch Billboard Competitor ‘RS Pro’
[UPDATED] Rolling Stone Magazine is readying the launch of a music industry news and analytics site that will be a direct competitor to Billboard. Dubbed “RS Pro,” the site will. Continue reading
Rolling Stone Launches Music Charts That Are Updated Daily
Rolling Stone has launched five music charts powered by analytics firm Alpha Data, formerly known as BuzzAngle Music, which the magazine acquired last year. The debut comes almost two months. Continue reading
Rolling Stone Music Charts Launch Delayed Indefinitely
The launch of music charts on Rolling Stone has been delayed indefinitely. Originally scheduled to launch on Monday May 13th, the charts will be the first to offer a widely. Continue reading
Penske Media Acquires 100% Of Rolling Stone Magazine
Penske Media Corporation, which also own Variety and Deadline, has quietly acquired full ownership n the venerable music publication Rolling Stone. Penske Media, which acquired a controlling stake in Rolling. Continue reading
Rolling Stone Int’l To Launch In UK, Asia Pacific In 2019, Add More Live Events
Rolling Stone has announced plans for ambitious global expansion including plans to launch in the United Kingdom and Asia Pacific in 2019. The expanded company footprint is in addition to. Continue reading