Quick Music Release Formula And How It Jumped To Radio

As with so much of the music industry, the way in which we release music has changed dramatically over the past few years, with a new ‘quick release’ formula that. Continue reading

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TV & Radio Royalties: What You Need To Know

Successfully landing your music on TV or Radio is one of the most satisfying accomplishments a musician can achieve. Better yet, it means you’re probably getting paid as well. Here,. Continue reading

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Read My Lips: New Music Discovery Courtesy Of TikTok

In this piece, Fred Jacobs explores the ascendant power of TikTok as a tool for music discovery, able to turn classic rock songs into born again hits, and how some. Continue reading

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Are Radio Broadcasters Facing A “Hardware Challenge…Or A Digital Opportunity?

In this piece, Fred Jacobs looks at the negative impact the pandemic has had on traditional AM/FM broadcast radio listenership, and how broadcasters might be able to turn this struggle. Continue reading

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Apple Is The $2T Gorilla In The (Radio) Room

In addition to becoming the first company in the history of the US to reach the $2 trillion mark, Apple recently unveiled a plan to challenge broadcast, satellite, and even. Continue reading

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SoundExchange: ‘Congress Should Eliminate Market Distortion Of AM/FM Radio’s Free Ride Backs Of Artists’

In this statement, Chief Legal Officer of SoundExchange, Colin Rushing makes a case for why congress do away with the special treatment broadcast radio receives, at the expense of artists.. Continue reading

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Radio Is Switched On Again

In this piece Keith Jopling explore how the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused traditional broadcast music radio to make and impressive comeback, with both commercial and public radio networks the. Continue reading

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The Question Consumers Are Asking About Radio: Can I Trust You?

Here Fred Jacobs looks at the disruptive effects the COVID-19 pandemic is having on the radio and podcast industry, and the incredibly high value listeners place on trust when it. Continue reading

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The Lost Art of Listening: Up Next [Volume 2]

In this second installment of the Lost Art of Listening series, Song Somelier Keith Joplin looks at the continued importance of human curation in an increasingly algorithm driven world. Guest. Continue reading

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Coronavirus Is Altering The Music Business Big Time, But It’s Not All Bad

With shows, festivals, and tours cancelling everywhere, the music industry is in for some big changes, as COVID-19 continues its disruptive path forward. Here we look at how some of. Continue reading

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