David Dufresne On Spotify: Millions of DJs
Many artists have already expressed their concerns with Spotify and other streaming services. There’s concerns over the small amount of revenue, the unfairness felt by many indie artists/labels versus major. Continue reading
Anne Leighton: What Publicists Need From Musicians
Publicists are a big part of any musician’s career. They are the ones getting you coverage on radio, television, print, online, etc. On Music Think Tank, Anne Leighton emphasizes that. Continue reading
Do You Have To Choose Between Being An Internet Star And A Radio Star?
Earlier, Techdirt featured an article titled: How Payola Works Today…Or Why You Only Hear Major Label Songs On The Radio. On Music Think Tank, Matt Voyno, the co-author of The. Continue reading
We Need Curators, Not Gatekeepers (or) Why You Should Stop Using Pandora
How do you discover new music? Michael Epstein used to listen to radio or watch MTV. Then, Pandora came along to help by analyzing what people already like. That’s great;. Continue reading