“Not a single grammy winner thanked radio,” Recording Academy Head Scolds Broadcasters
In a blistering op-ed that would have been almost unthinkable even a few years ago, Recording Academy CEO Neil Portnow took aim at radio broadcaster and the fact that they. Continue reading
How Artists Can Get Their Music Played on Sirius XM, Local Radio
Time spent listening to music on the radio can often lead artists to question why their music isn't getting played on the airwaves and, although it certainly isn't easy, getting. Continue reading
Ruth B’s Streaming Success: Anatomy Of A Developing Artist [Glenn Peoples]
How was up-and-coming artist Ruth Berhe able to amass 115 million spins on Pandora before her debut album was even released? In this look at DIY done right, we follow Ruth. Continue reading
“Between the Bars” Brings Back Memories of Portland’s Music Scene
Music brings back memories and stirs up emotions. You hear a song and reminisce about your life. It all comes back to you the moment you hear that tune. Lost. Continue reading
Who Still Listens To Broadcast Radio? [CHART]
Though often maligned, many people still listen to broadcast radio; and in some age groups it is still the #1 vehicle for music discovery. But this are changing. These stats. Continue reading
Should Radio Stations Accept A “Listen” Fee For Screening Music?
Could a pay-to-play relationship between artists and DJs be the future of radio? Although historically frowned upon, a business model which allows DJs to screen songs while being paid for. Continue reading
Rdio Adds Nearly 500 Live Broadcasts
Everyone looking for an advantage in the competitive streaming space. One tactic, taken aggressively by Tidal, is exclusive content. They headlines, but are short lived and costly. Spotify and Tidal. Continue reading
How To Use Apple Music CONNECT – Official FAQ Answers More Questions
Apple's announcement of its new artist driven social network Connect left more questions than answers. Since then we've published a guide on How To Claim Your Apple Music Connect Profile. Continue reading