How to use psychology to get more fans
Learn how to get inside the heads of your listeners to create and grow a budding fanbase… by Randi Zimmerman from the Symphonic Blog Everyone talks about how important it. Continue reading

Thinking like an artist manager with RAC manager Zael Ellenhorn
Straight from the industry professionals, learn how to be an artist manager by thinking about psychology, social media marketing, and building a fanbase. Guest post by Rutger Ansley Rosenborg from. Continue reading

What is the Zeigarnik Effect and what does it have to do with music?
Here, we look at how a phenomenon noticed by a psychologist in 1927 can be tapped into today in order to help us be better musicians. Guest post by Caleb. Continue reading
Performing Music Gets Us High
Many non-musicians wonder why musicians struggle so much for their art. Why do so many musicians forgo other careers to grovel for a few bucks and hope that one day. Continue reading