Small Fanbase? Here’s What You Still Can Earn From An Online Concert
Many artists are turning to online concerts in hopes of bringing in at least some revenue during the pandemic, if you have a small fanbase, is it worth the effort?. Continue reading
MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: The 25% Rule & More
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Simon Tam: How Much You Should Ask from Sponsors David Sherbow: SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF NEW MUSIC AND ARTIST DISCOVERY David Roberts:. Continue reading
Playing Profitable Shows as a Band: The 25% Rule
Touring is an important aspect for bands. Since it can be costly, David Roberts has posted a profitable tour itinerary template for indie bands to use. He also talks about. Continue reading
The Music Industry vs. The Internet
The future of the music industry has been debated about and people continue to talk about it. According to Bruce Warila, the talking points can be put into two buckets:. Continue reading