How to make content production for musicians stress-free
Sharing your music with a larger online audience is amazing, but can also be a daunting task. Here are some ways to take away the stress of creating content as. Continue reading

How, why to create a “radio edit” version of your single
Given how much the landscape of music consumption has changed over the past few years, it might seem far-fetched that an artist would need a ‘radio edit’ for their latest. Continue reading

Why your music needs mastering
As the barriers to home recording have continued to fall away, making it easier and cheaper than ever for artists, the importance of having your music professionally mastered has only. Continue reading

4 recording studio tips and tricks from David Bowie
A creative pioneer in many ways, Bowie not only pushed the envelope when it came to songwriting but also innovated and broke new ground when it came to his production. Continue reading

Music producer’s guide to getting clients
While those working in a creative field like music production might not like to spend as much time on the small business side of things, finding clients is a critical. Continue reading

8 audio production blogs for aspiring producers
For amateur beatmakers, songwriters, and producers, the internet has a bountiful scope of offerings promising to improve you skills and further your success, but as with so many things on. Continue reading

Affordable tools for music production
For DIY music producers, the cost related barrier to entry has never been lower! Here, we look at some fantastic and affordable tools available for music production. Guest post by. Continue reading

How NZ’s Yumi Zouma reimagined their latest album using Spotify’s SoundBetter
In this piece, New Zealand dream pop quartet Yumi Zouma walk us through how they were able to craft their 2020 album Truth or Consequences (Alternate Versions) in the middle. Continue reading

Music Production: What Exactly Does Producer Do?
Every song you’ve ever heard and enjoyed went through the music production. So what does a music producer actually do? Here, we break down their four most vital roles. Guest. Continue reading

Artist’s Guide To More Efficient Collaboration
The ongoing pandemic has dramatically altered the ways in which artists are able to collaborate with their fellow songwriters and producers, in some cases driving former creative loners to seek. Continue reading