
Impact Of A Women’s Prison Choir On Social Harmony

“Behind the Bars: A Week Dedicated to Music In, About, and From Prisons” examines the impact that the formation of a women’s prison choir and choral group can have on the inmates of a correctional facility.

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Berklee Online, BreakFree Ed offer music courses for the incarcerated

Through the collaboration of Berklee Online and BreakFree Education offered music courses for incarcerated students. by Talia Smith-Muller of Berklee Online. Those who have worked inside juvenile justice facilities in. Continue reading

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Iranians Sentenced To Jail And Lashing For Dancing To Pharrell’s “Happy”

Seven young Iranians who recorded a video of themselves dancing to Pharrell Williams' "Happy" have been sentenced to suspended jail terms and lashing. According to the Associated Press, Lawyer Farshid Rofugaran. Continue reading

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