4 ways teaching music can make you a better musician
In addition to the flexibility and financial remuneration which teaching offers, being a music educator also has the added practical advantage of actually helping you become a better musicians yourself!. Continue reading

Guide to practicing productivity
In this piece, Heather Augustine guides us through practicing productivity, and how to combat imposter syndrome and develop a more proactive mindset. Guest post by Heather Augustine of Soundfly’s Flypaper.. Continue reading

5 Tips For Aspiring Musicians
While no part of cultivating a career in the music industry is easy, the very beginning can often be the hardest roadblock to overcome. Here, one artist shares five key. Continue reading

Rehearsing Sucks… Or Does It? How To Make Practice The Highlight Of Your Day
As much as you may love performing and playing music, there will doubtless be times when practicing feels like a chore. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way! Here. Continue reading