6 Tips To Crisis Management That Could Save Your Musical Brand
Guest Post by Bobby Borg The saying” all publicity is good publicity” is not always true. A band must be prepared to deal immediately with certain rumors and unfortunate mistakes that. Continue reading
7 Useful Tips To “Earning” People’s Help
Guest Post By Bobby Borg, Music Business Consultant, Author, Musician Let’s face it, every young and developing artist could use some help with getting to that next level of their career—whether it’s. Continue reading
12 Simple Ways To Be A Happier And More Productive Musician
By Bobby Borg on Sonicbids Blog Pursuing a career in the music business isn't easy, nor is it for the thin-skinned. In fact, with all the challenges one has to face to get noticed, it. Continue reading
5 Things That Smart Musicians Do Every Day [Best of Hypebot 2014]
By Dylan Welsh on Sonicbids Blog The sheer number of tasks that need to be completed on any given day can overwhelm anybody involved in music professionally. In today's industry, most musicians end up wearing many. Continue reading
15 Simple Rules for Making It in the Music Industry [Bobby Borg]
By Bobby Borg on Sonicbids Blog There are literally hundreds of tips on making it in the music business, and we all know how overwhelming that can be. If you're wondering which. Continue reading
6 Ways To Kill Your Music Career
By Bobby Borg on Sonicbids Blog Most artists spend months writing, recording, and finalizing their songs, merch, and live performances for the marketplace, only to make repeated mistakes when it comes to promoting themselves. Don't let this be you. Here are six career-killing. Continue reading