Developer Puts Game On The Pirate Bay Claiming Steam Key Resellers Are Bigger Evil
Although some of the larger publishers have yet to catch on, much of the gaming industry seems be gravitating toward better, more nuanced method of dealing with copyright piracy, as. Continue reading
Discogs Attacked By Pirate Spam On Two Fronts
Popular crowdsourced music database Discogs is being attacked on two fronts – one by pirates posting links to illegal downloads and the other by an anti-piracy outfit filing takedown demands. Continue reading
Songwriters ‘Poor Man’s Copyright’: Separating Truth From Fiction
The "poor man's copyright" wherein artists mail or email themselves some form of their song fixed in a tangible medium, is often thrown around in creative music circles as a. Continue reading
Welcome To Our World: The Spread of Content Piracy
The value of a copyright is at the core of most discussions about compensation and fairness in the music industry. But how we, as a society, value copyright is effected. Continue reading
A Response To SOPA: Free Pays (More)
Weighing in on SOPA and free music on Music Think Tank, Dante Cullari shares his view that free pays more and talks about his platform, Beat-Play which allows artists to. Continue reading
The Real Reason SOPA Didn’t Pass: Marketing
Last Wednesday, several major websites (Wikipedia, Reddit, Mozilla, WordPress) blacked out to protest SOPA and PIPA. These two controversial bills were proposed to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property. Continue reading
Marketing Music Through Non-Linear Communication: The Ecosystem Of Fans, Artist & Label
On Music Think Tank, Bas Grasmayer has posted a follow-up to his article that was posted in March where he introduced his thesis’ main theory of the ecosystem of fans.. Continue reading
From Pirates to Fans
Piracy is a serious topic in the music industry of which we've all been long aware. Approaches have varied from heavy handed lawsuits that have eroded good will to direct. Continue reading