Facebook, YouTube agree to voluntary anti-piracy measures with UK Creatives
Backed by the UK government, British creative industries, along with several major social media services like Facebook and YouTube, have settled on a set of new anti-piracy measures. Guest post. Continue reading

AudioLock Debuts Anti-Piracy Initiative: The Music Mission
In an effort to combat the growing network of ‘pay-for-access’ piracy sites, AudioLock recently launched The Music Mission, bringing labels together to cut the pirates off at their source. Guest. Continue reading
Music Piracy Continues To Dip Dramatically, But The Industry Is Loathe To Admit It Because It Ruins The Narrative [Op-Ed]
In this op-ed, Mike Masnick reveals how better-authorized services have, in contrast to increased legal enforcement, been incredibly effective at reducing online piracy, but that the music industry is choosing. Continue reading
RIAA Releases “Notorious” Copyright Offenders List
Copyright violation remains an ever-present issue in the music business, affecting not only an artist's ability to make money, but also that of labels. Consequently, the RIAA annually drops a. Continue reading
When Musicians Find Justification In Piracy
Here, Wade Sutton weighs in on what he perceives to be hypocritical behavior by some musicians who, in spite of railing against music piracy, condone other forms of illegitimate downloading. Continue reading
TOP POSTS: This Week’s Most Read Posts On Hypebot
This week, some of our most popular articles from the pages of Hypebot covered a music industry trade group's claims that piracy isn't a problem – free YouTube and Spotify. Continue reading
UN Organization Debuts New, Global Anti-Piracy Database
Despite streaming's popularity, piracy is once again on the rise at an alarming pace, leading the United Nations' World Intellectual Property Organization to unveil a new global anti-piracy database, aimed. Continue reading
17 Million US ‘Fans’ Ripped Music Last Year, UP 13%
Despite the ongoing efforts of the RIAA and others, music piracy is far from dead. For most – and there numbers are growing – stream ripping is the piracy platform. Continue reading
Apple, Amazon, Google Sued For ‘Massive’ Music Piracy
Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Pandora are being sued for selling and streaming unauthorized recordings of Harold Arlen, the composer of Over the Rainbow and other classic songs. The lawsuit. Continue reading
Worst Countries For Piracy In 2019 Include China, Russia, India, Mexico, Canada
The Office of the United States Trade Representative released its 2019 Notorious Markets List which highlights markets that engage in and facilitate substantial copyright piracy and trademark counterfeiting. And yes,. Continue reading