An essential live performance prep plan for vocalists
If you follow the performance prep tips for singers included in this three-day plan, you’ll be prepared for every gig. by Cari Cole reposted by Disc Makers Blog Through my. Continue reading

6 tips to guarantee a successful livestream
Putting on virtual performances will keep your fans on their toes, so here are 6 tips on how to create a successful livestream. A guest post by Bobby Owsinski of. Continue reading

4 benefits to applying focus in your music
As with so many creative tasks, focusing on making music can be a difficult, distraction-plagued process. But learning to devote your focus to creating and performing can pay huge dividends.. Continue reading

How to keep your band from breaking up
Keeping the peace between a group of passionate performers over a long period of time can, unsurprisingly, be quite a challenge. Here, we look at some essential tactics for how. Continue reading

Black Sabbath’s Tony Iommi: Never say die
Black Sabbath co-founder and lead guitarist Tony Iommi has faced some incredible hurdles to his health over the years, but has nonetheless persevered. Guest post by David Deal of the. Continue reading

Stage patter captured on vinyl matters: Here’s why
Here David Deal digs into why the stage patter buried in live vinyl albums is still so relevant today, and what it reveals about an artist and their performance style.. Continue reading

3 home performance opportunities to explore
Despite positive projections, live performances won’t be returning to normal for a while yet. In the meantime, here are a few safe alternatives to help scratch that live music itch.. Continue reading

Your band’s first gig: How to prepare for your performance
After spending so much time assembling your band and honing your craft, the prospect of playing your first show is certainly exciting, but can also be intimidating. Here, we look. Continue reading

4 essentials for improving your garage band
Getting your garage band (not the software) from its scrappy infancy to a polished set of musicians ready to perform takes more than just practice (although that’s critical as well).. Continue reading

6 tips for (eventually) performing a concert
In person shows are still off the table for now, but as artists and audiences alike eagerly imagine a return to the bright lights of concert venue, here are a. Continue reading