Reasons for abandoning frozen mechanical rates at the Copyright Royalty Board are growing [Chris Castle]

“In a recent comment, I called the Copyright Royalty Board the ‘cornucopia of chaos’ which it is at least on the mismanaged mechanical royalty rates,” writes Chris Castle. Op-ed by. Continue reading

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Last week in music industry commentary

Here are some must-read commentary from this past week including topics like new demographic marketing strategies, do women belong in rock and roll, and more. ‘He plays guitar like a. Continue reading

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Last week in music industry commentary

Hear from music industry wizards including the wise words of David Bowie in this week’s music commentary recap. 2021 major label revenue surged, but what does it mean? [Mark Mulligan]. Continue reading

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Tunecore’s CEO on how fans, social media are leveling the playing field for all musicians

How independent artists are becoming successful by new ways. of rereleasing and promoting their music. A guest post by Andreea Gleeson, CEO of Tunecore. INDIE ARTISTS ARE ON THE RISE. Continue reading

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Roundup of the best music industry commentary

There were some noteworthy things said by music professionals this past week on topics like boycotting Spotify to predictions of the new year. Chartmetric founder Sung Cho on the future. Continue reading

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Boycott Spotify? Cut up your music instead to get money you deserve, says artist, activist MegMarie

It is well known that musicians do not make very much on streaming sites, so should be stop using sites like Spotify all together? Artist and activist MegMarie thinks so.. Continue reading

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Last week in music industry commentary

This week in music industry commentary we’ve got some interesting opinions and predictions for what the new year will hold and more. Is Spotify really the king of all audio?. Continue reading

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MLC is holding $1.2 Billion

Music libraries and how to make money when you can’t play live

When the pandemic halted live performances, many artists were left without their largest source of income. Some used the pause to find alternative ways to make money as a musician.. Continue reading

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Last week in music industry commentary

Commentators in the thick of the industry this week shared their opinions on Adele’s battle with Spotify, why small venues are closing, and the attention economy’s decline. The true impact. Continue reading

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Why (almost) every musician should be on Twitch

Twitch, a platform most popularly known for its video game streams, is apparently an invaluable tool for musicians according to Melissa Lamm. A guest post by Melissa Lamm from Pop. Continue reading

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