Look at what happens on the internet every 60 seconds
The internet is clearly a busy place, but just how busy is it? Here, we break down every that goes on online in the span of a single minute. Spoiler. Continue reading

Guide To Networking Online In Today’s Music Industry
Networking can be a challenging at the best of times, and when an industry is forced to go completely virtual it becomes harder than ever. Here we explore what networking. Continue reading

Non-Stop Dance Party: How Daybreaker Makes Movement Magic Online
Among the many organizations adapting to this new pandemic reality is Daybreaker, the body movement morning dance party. Forced to shut down its international in-person events, Daybreaker LIVE now takes. Continue reading
How Online Sharing Is Changing The Music Industry Game
With the increased digitization of the world creeping into almost every corner of our daily lives, the music industry is no exception, and our increased connection on social media and. Continue reading
MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: 1 Important Music Business Skill & Much More
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Ariel Hyatt: 4 ‘Normal’ Challenges to Building a Strong Online Brand Shaun Letang: 1 Important Music Business Skill You REALLY Need To. Continue reading
The Rise of the Musicpreneur (Part 2/3)
Earlier, Tommy Darker wrote part 1 of the rise of the musicpreneur which covered the business and online assets a musician should have. He follows up with part 2 on. Continue reading
Anne Leighton: What Publicists Need From Musicians
Publicists are a big part of any musician’s career. They are the ones getting you coverage on radio, television, print, online, etc. On Music Think Tank, Anne Leighton emphasizes that. Continue reading
Don’t Forget to Buy the Domain for Your New Album
On Music Think Tank, Michael Brandvold writes from another one of his life experiences. He recommends that artists buy the domain name for an upcoming album release or even a. Continue reading
How Can Artists Drive Fans From Offline to Online?
On Music Think Tank, Marcus Taylor has tips on how to drive fans to your website. People need a reason to visit your website. He talks about the growing popularity. Continue reading
6 Case Studies on Online Music Marketing
On Music Think Tank, Jill Haverkamp gives us a sample of 6 case studies on how artists have effectively connected with their audience online. One example comes from the recent. Continue reading