How To Market Music To Millennials
In this episode of Music Biz Podcast, we talk with MaryLeigh Bliss, who is a Trends Editor and Strategic Consultant at Ypulse, a youth market research firm. We talk to. Continue reading
GETTING IT DONE – Last Week In D.I.Y and Indie Music: Apple Music Gets Artist Friendly • Pay For Play • 12 Facebook Tactics • More
It's hard to keep up, but that why we're here with news that the new Apple Music is adding some artist friendly social features, a chart that show just how. Continue reading
Hypebot’s Upward Spiral Gets A New Name: Music Business Podcast
Co-hosts Kyle Bylin and Cortney Harding are rebanding their Hypebot sponsored Upward Spiral podcast to the much more descriptive and SEO friendly Music Business Podcast. If you're not a regular listener, you're. Continue reading