Introduction: How I Became a Broadway Musician

On Music Think Tank, David (Musician Wages) posts the introduction to his 5-part series on how he became a Broadway musician. He explains that Broadway shows all have some type. Continue reading

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The Realities of Making a Living with Music in 2011

On Music Think Tank, Bob Baker is about to give you a dose of reality with his post. His rant is in response to all the posts about the doomed. Continue reading

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This Week on MTT: How To Make $50,000 a Year

Several great essays appeared on MTT this week: Chris Seth: Want to Make $50,000 a Year In Music? Brian Hazard: A Mastering Engineer's Guide to Final Mixdown. David J. Hahn:. Continue reading

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Want To Make $50,000 a Year In Music? Start With One Dollar a Day

On Music Think Tank, Chris Seth discusses how musicians can make additional income just by starting out with one dollar a day. It is as simple as playing the guitar. Continue reading

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Derek Sivers: “Make Your Own Success First”

"You have to make your own success first, before you ask the industry for help. You have to show that you're going to be successful with-or-without their help. Show that. Continue reading

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Daily DIY: How To Advance A Show

In the fourth of five excerpts from the book Reality Check – A Common Sense Guide to Breaking into the Music Industry, author Matthew Walt, a booking agent who has. Continue reading

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